January 01, 2014

3D models - Textured, Gray Scale and Wire Frame

     This is the last category of my portfolio reel wherein I showcase my 3D models in textured, gray scale and wire frame view. I used Autodesk Maya and Pixologic Zbrush for this models. The first video is a model of R2D2 of Starwars. I love Starwars that's why I made a model of R2D2. In making this model I used Autodesk Maya. The second video is a model of a goblin. It was supposed to be a model of a creature found in a game. The game is Kingdom of Amalure The Reckoning. While sculpting the model, I didn't really followed my reference and so I made a new creature the goblin of amalure. I used Pixologic Zbrush for making this model. I just started with a sphere model and sculpt it to become the goblin form it is now.

Website Design and Development

     This is my website designs. It is just a design for general layout. I used Adobe photoshop to make the designs. Also in this section I have a video of a website that I created for the P.E. department for their equipment inventory. And another video of a website for the Campus Ministry office for their Online Reservation and Inventory System. In developing these website, I used Adobe Dreamweaver.



2D Animation - Music Cover & Infographic

     This section will show you my 2D animation. The first video is just a teaser of a music cover animation. It tells a story of two lover who waited in time to be together. This animation was a final requirement for our 2D animation class. It was a group project and I was the head animator of the group. This was finished on January 1, 2010 and it was presented during the first Ateneo New Media and Animation Festival (ANMAF). It was awarded as "AMV Best Animation" during that time. The festival director was Glenn Oliva and the Department Chair was Aileen Vicente.

     This second video is an infographic. Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. This is about the mindanao power shortage alternative solution. Do we have to go for coal power plant or some other environment friendly power plants.

Digital Arts - Digital Painting, Illustration, Photo Manipulation & Typography

     This section shows my digital arts. It covered some of digital painting, illustration, photo manipulation and typography.

Cory Aquino

     This is a photo vector of Corazon Aquino. I made this illustration as an entry to a poster contest as a tribute to Cory in Ateneo de Zamboanga University.


     This photo vector is a requirement in one of my subject as a BsIT student. The model of this photo is my teacher in that subject. This vector was done some time in October of the year 2008.

Nike Splash

     This is a photo manipulation of a Nike shoe with a splash. It looks like the show is turning into liquid form after stepping on the ground. This is a recent work of mine showing that I can manipulate photos to look like they are as one.

What I Love

     This is a typography art. Typography is a art of arranging words to take form of a figure. As you see the word love, it is formed by words of what I love. 

Chrissy Constanza

     This is a digital painting of Chrissy Constanza. It took me so much time in doing this digital painting.